Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The past lots of days

You know when you have one bad day and you think "Meh, no big deal, I'll start my diet tomorrow. I mean it's pizza night. The diet can wait 'till tomorrow."

I've thought that way for about twelve days now. But I did work out yesterday, and I did try to work out two or three other days since my last post, but the gym kept closing JUST as I arrived every fucking time. Well, at least I tried, and I think I've lost some weight. I've yet to jump on the scale since I started this blog, which I suppose is a good thing. Healthy thinking and whatnot. To a degree, anyway.

Maybe I should weigh myself when I get home today and just have that wake-up call already.


Friday, October 12, 2012

October 11th and 12th


No breakfast
Lunch at McD (gross, I know, but in my defense I haven't eaten there in seven years. I CAN JUSTIFY THIS.)
Deer casserole for dinner, I tell myself I didn't eat too much but I did. 

We got our cat sterilized today. We left the house around 9am, and the clinic was an hour away, I shit you not. They told us to come back for her at 2pm, meaning there would be no point in driving home as we'd be practically turning in the door. So we killed time. Boy, did we kill time. We visited just about every mall in the city and then some, or so it felt. The outcome of this was a pair of shoes for me (desperately needed), a lamp for our kitchen (desperately needed) and a lego toy for my little brother (not very desperately needed). When we finally arrived back at the clinic at 1:45, they told us they'd just started the proceidure and they'd be done in around one and a half hours time. 
Well, fuck.
This endless day of time-killing is the reason we lunched at McDonald's. Justified. I had to succumb to the will of my family. It's not like I WANTED to eat there, psh.


One slice of bread with macerel and tomato purée for breakfast (Norwegian food, don't ask)
Nothing for lunch
Pizza for dinner, I tell myself I didn't eat too much but I'm afraid I still did.
Almost one bag of popcorn, and some chips. (I CAN JUSTIFY THIS*.)

I had to visit my dad today, which is not something I normally do at all, but it needed to be done. It was, of course (this might not be obvious to those who do not know me), a highly humiliating experience all-in-all. My dad and stepmother picked me up when I got off my bus, and drove to the local mall to shop for groceries. So far, all is well. That is, until they noticed I had a hole in my tights. I was then practically dragged into the nearest clothing store, where my stepmother literally (yes, I do mean literally) threw clothes at me to try. Now, the fashion these days is not really (read: not at all in any way) my style, but I caught from her tone that I did not really have much of a choice. She ended up buying me clothes for over 700 NOK, or 120 dollars. Dad had bought ice cubes, so on top of that I had to hurry, hurry, hurry. The Flash would be envious of my trying on-speed.
We then moved on to the house they just built, very spacious, very sleek, very modern. They offered to let me live in the basement apartment. I politely turned down the offer. Later I was shooed off to watch a movie with my little sister because they were having some friends over to discuss their trip to Manchester.
Incidentally, this kind of thing happens every single time I finally do decide to visit.
When I left that evening I had 500NOK (87 dollars, thank you, google) stuffed in my hand. I think they're trying to buy me.
This visit to my father's is the reason why I can justify the chips.

*I have no excuse for the popcorn.

All in all I have sucked these past two days, and I haven't had time to work out. I haven't worked out since Monday, for crying out loud! I was meeting my workout buddy today at the gym, but I overslept, and when I got there she had just finished, and I'd told my dad he could pick me up at 2, and it was now 1:45 and my bus takes an hour there.

I'll do better from now on, I promise. I'm going to work out tomorrow. Whoop.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What to expect from this blog?

Absolutely nothing.

This will be my personal weight loss blog. Here I will post stats, worries, thoughts in general, what I spend my days doing. Of course whoever's interested may follow this blog for whichever reason they might have, I'm just saying it might not be all that interesting.

The reason I'm making a blog for this is, I suppose, to put some pressure on myself. Knowing that others are able to read this and know my weight, my measurements, how lazy I am from day to day. It's also to keep track of my progress and try to figure out some sort of a routine that works for me.

Sorry for stealing a cool blog name.
